Your COVID-19 Communication Kit

Email Templates
Here’s email templates with header images and optional copy that you can use in Shortcuts Marketing to communicate COVID-19 updates to your clients. We’ll be adding new templates in here as we create them.

SMS Templates
Here are a few SMS templates which you can copy and paste into Shortcuts to communicate some important messages about COVID-19 and your business which you may need. Don’t forget to check your character limits before sending your message!

Social Media Posts
Check out these social media posts we’ve created for your feeds and stories! Featuring eye-catching images and captions to help get your important COVID-19 message across.

Rewards Club Communication Kit
During the COVID-19 pandemic, we know that you’re trying to find ways to generate income for your business and FAST. Luckily, Rewards Club is a long-lost feature already in your Shortcuts system which can help you get some cash flow… flowing!
Shopify Communication Kit
We’ve got a way to help you quickly and easily build a Shopify shop using your existing stock set up in Shortcuts. That means you can sell your retail stock online, even while you’re closed!