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Life in this New Normal

Life in this New Normal

As we all know, COVID-19 has had a huge impact on our entire industry. Whether you just re-opened or you were affected by the second round of closures, salons, spas and barbershops have taken a big hit.

With all the confusion and uncertainty, we want to assist you as much as we can. We have come up with some tips & tricks that you can incorporate into your salon to help with this “new normal.” Whether you are still closed due to COVID-19, just re-opened or had to close for a 2nd time, we hope this will be a valuable resource for you and your employees.

How to Help your Employees Financially & Emotionally

We know that keeping your employees happy and healthy is one of your top priorities. Make sure to stay in contact with your employees during this uncertain time. Keep them updated on what is going on with your business and help them to understand how they may be impacted. Advise them on the best practices for maintaining a safe and healthy environment at home and in your salon, spa or barbershop. Over communicating can be your friend in situations like these!

Everyone is being affected by COVID-19 in different ways. Some are scared to get it, some have actually had it and some aren’t too worried. Because this situation is so unknown, you want to make sure you are being sensitive to your employees. Be patient and flexible with employees and their schedules as they deal with family needs and other aspects of their personal safety. Be prepared for employees to be absent (when you open back up), they may need to stay home to take care of themselves or their family.

Overall, communicate with your staff and be understanding of their situation! Let’s face it, you can’t see very many clients without them!

Emphasize Sanitation Policies

I don’t mean to state the obvious, but, prioritize sanitation and cleanliness in your salon! You want to be sure that your employees feel safe working and your clients feel safe entering your salon. Be sure to have some sort of procedure in place that everyone will follow before, after and in between clients. You may want to utilize table tents that state “this area has been sanitized” or signs around your salon that say “limit touching surfaces,” “please wear a face covering,” etc. Communication can help everyone feel more comfortable.

Here a few additional things to think about:

  • Encourage clients to wash their hands as they enter the salon
  • Sanitize high traffic areas regularly
  • Use a different cape on each client
  • Have plenty of hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies
  • Require face coverings

Again, we know that the health and safety of your employees and clients is your top priority right now and we would like to assist you in any way we can. Don’t hesitate to reach out! Contact us.

Great Time to Set Up Online Booking

If you haven’t done this already, now is the time! It is time to jump on the online booking bandwagon! Using online booking can help you stay in contact with your clients with the click of a button AND it can allow you to have more control over having time to clean and sanitize your salon. Online Booking 101.

By having an online schedule, you can easily update your clients on all the changes in you salon. Such as: how you’re sanitizing in between clients, what clients can and cannot bring to the salon, what is required (i.e. masks, gloves, etc.), how to check in for their appointment and more!

Keep Transparent Communication with Customers

It is so important to keep communication flowing between you and your customers. I mean, this is like the 3rd time I mentioned communication, so it must be important right? Keep your clients fully updated with what is going on in your salon.

I’m sure your clients have a ton of questions for you! Are you temporarily closed? Have you recently re-opened? Are you accepting new clients? Are you accepting walk-ins?

Any changes you make in your salon should be added to your website, Google My Business listing, social media and any other online profile you have. The more communication the better! Be sure to share positive messages and show your customers that their health and safety is your number one priority! You can also use Shortcuts Marketing and SMS Campaigns to stay in contact with your customers.

Modifying your Business Model & Plan for the Future

As we all know, salons and barbershops are not labeled as essential businesses. Crazy, right? It is likely that our industry will see a drop in customers for a while as people are prioritizing social distancing and going out for only “essentials.” (If you ask me, hair is pretty essential. But, to each their own). If you are seeing a decrease in revenue, it is time to think outside the box!

  • Use your social media to promote online gift card purchases
  • If you have a plan to re-open in the near future, let your customers know and start filling up that online appointment book
  • Again, stay in contact with customer as much as you can
  • Do you have products that you sell in your salon? Set up an online shop!

This “new normal” is confusing and stressful for everyone, but together, we can get through it!

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