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Online mistakes you might not know you’re making

Online mistakes you might not know you’re making

Sometimes when you’re running a business, there are so many things that need your attention it feels like you’d give a professional juggler a run for their money.

Creating a great online presence might not be at the top of your list, but perhaps it should be. Your website is your online shop front. It lets potential clients see what you’re all about before paying you a visit.

This is why you need to give your web presence a little love – it’s more than a one-off project that can be ticked off and forgotten about.

It’s easier than you think – as long as you avoid these common mistakes made by salons.

Being hard to find

There are always a lot of options battling for a potential client’s attention online and if they are searching for a salon in the local area the chances are your competition are appearing as well.

You can make sure your name stands out above others by listing your website on relevant industry directories. Most allow you to include a description of your business, images, opening times, services and products alongside the usual contact details.

Some – including – go further. The main features of this directory that salon owners love is that new clients can book online and leave verified reviews after they visit.

Having links to your website from recognised industry directories gives you a boost in the Google search results too.

Forgetting to tell your story

New and fresh content is vital – think news, advice, photo galleries showcasing new collections, the latest testimonials from your existing clients, etc.

Don’t forget to also give your clients an insight into your story and who is involved. An interesting history and staff bios can make you stand out from the local competition – after all, people buy from people!

Having a staff page with missing descriptions, ‘coming soon’ images and photos of staff that left years ago won’t appeal to new clients and may result in them going somewhere else.

Not keeping it simple

We all get frustrated when we can’t find something on a website. Your clients are no different! Make sure your menu is clear and easy to navigate.

Think about the key areas that will interest them – such as online booking, pricing, services, the team and contact details – and make sure they are easy to find.

A pro tip from salons who get the most online bookings is to have a separate button that grabs the eye featured prominently at the top of each page.

Many clients will choose to book online as it is a more convenient alternative to calling you, as it allows them to book at any time and even pay for their visit upfront.

This is great for your business, as you will receive the payment before the service, vastly reducing no-shows – and it also means your reception staff aren’t tied up taking the booking on the phone.

Forgetting about Facebook!

Don’t listen to anyone who tells you Facebook isn’t what it used to be – this social media channel has 936 million active users every day. That’s an enormous 1 in every 7 people on the planet logging on daily.

You can set up your business page for free, it’s much simpler than building an entire website, and it will help you get found in Google search results. Really, it’s a no-brainer!

A quick look over successful salon pages sees them telling their story with regular posts, interacting with their clients, sharing reviews, and delivering timely messages, exclusive offers and important news.

How do you achieve online success? Share your tips below.