You might think that your Shortcuts Point of Sale system is just for transactions… Think again. Here are some things you can do in the Point of Sale system that you might not already know.
1. Recording debits and credits
Did you know, you can keep track of credits and debits via your Point of Sale system?For example, you can take a deposit for an appointment over the phone when a client books. When they come in for their appointment and you are checking them out, you will be able to see that they have already paid for part of their service, and the remaining balance will be automatically calculated for you!You can also use this feature to keep track of small debits as well. For example, if one of your trusted clients accidentally leaves their credit card at home, you can debit their account and they can pay the next time they visit. Click here to find out more.
2. Grouping clients
If you take group bookings – such as wedding parties or hens days – you can easily manage this through your Point of Sale system.When clients are grouped in the Appointment Book, you can choose to check them out individually or as a group, and can even add additional products or services if someone has asked for a little more. Click here to find out more.
3. Tracking expenses and petty cash
You can keep track of your expenses and petty cash through your Point of Sale. This helps you ensure your profit and loss is calculated accurately.For example, if one of your team members needs to buy some magazines for clients to read, they can check out cash from the till, then check in the change.You can also record expenses – such as paying the window cleaner – even if you don’t need to put any change back in the till. Click here to find out more.
4. Managing professional products
We recommend putting your empty products aside and counting them at the end of the day or week, as this will help you effectively manage your stock.Simply scan the barcode, or do a quick search for the product in your system, and your stock levels will be updated automatically.This is the perfect way to make sure you never run out of an essential product again, and to help prevent over-ordering. Click here to find out more.
5. Printing a quote
You can provide your clients with a price estimate before they decide to make a booking with you.It’s easy to print out a quote at your Point of Sale, and your client can bring it in when they visit.You can even add a note or two at the end of your quote, such as an expiry date in case of price increase, or a plug for your latest special offer. Click here to find out more.