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Jo reveals her Google top five

Jo reveals her Google top five

What’s the number one place people go when they’re looking for a new salon, spa or barbershop? Yup, Google – it’s a no brainer!

In fact, four out of five consumers search for local businesses online. Which means if you have a salon, spa or barber shop, the potential for Google to help connect you with potential clients is enormous.

So how can you take advantage of the online powerhouse that is Google? Read on for my top five things you should be doing on Google, like yesterday.

1. Google My Business

Google My Business is a relatively quick win when it comes to ramping up your online presence. It appears when someone searches on Google or in Google Maps for a business like yours, and essentially lets you strut your stuff online.

Your listing includes all the must-haves that will have new clients falling for you online. From reviews to special offers, images to blog posts, opening hours, links to your website, maps and more (seriously, I could go on!), you can customize your Google My Business so that it showcases you at your very best.

Here’s where things get a bit technical: the more optimized your profile is with keywords that Google loves, the better your chances of getting found online.

Sound like too much trouble? I totally get it, you’ve already got so much on your plate – running a business isn’t easy! That’s why we’re here to help you get started. We have a special introductory offer on our Google My Business packages that is a must, trust me!

2. Google Reviews

You and I both know that a good online review can give you instant credibility, it’s almost as good as a personal referral when it comes to drumming up new business.

What you might not know is that reviews are also essential for your SEO. Having plenty of reviews can do wonders for your local search ranking, helping potential clients in your area find you.

If you’re worried about those negative people who seem to get a kick out of posting nasty reviews, don’t let it get to you – providing a genuine response will show that you care, and you can also take steps to remove any reviews you think are inappropriate.

3. Mobile-responsive website

More than 60% of people searching on Google are using mobile devices, which is why it’s so important to make sure your website is “mobile responsive” – (a fancy way of saying it looks as gorgeous on mobile or tablet as it does on PC).

Google loves a website that looks great on a phone or tablet – so much so, that if yours is mobile responsive it’s more likely to outrank your competitors’ websites that are not. Yep, that’s right. Having a mobile responsive website could be the deciding factor of whether you take the number one spot on Google, or fighting for a place on the second page.

So if you don’t already have a mobile responsive website (and you can find that out right here), I highly recommend you get onto that, pronto!

4. Google Ads

Google Ads are right up there with my top things you should be doing on Google. Although you will need to dig a little more deeply into your pockets for this one, it is 100% worth it if you have the right, industry-specific strategy.

Creating ads that make you look good and communicate your unique value proposition are going to be the most effective, as they will help potential customers see you before they even consider the competition.

I’m not going to lie though – Google Ads are enough to send even an experienced marketer’s mind spinning, let alone a business owner who’s already hustling like crazy!

That’s why we have a new digital marketing team here at Shortcuts which is dedicated to helping you navigate the digital space. They are here to do the grunt work for you and make sure Google loves you to pieces.

5. Reserve with Google

Google Reserve allows your clients  to book an appointment straight from your Google My Business listing. It’s an incredible tool, and you’ll wonder what you ever did without it!