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Everything You Need to Know About Salon Social Media Marketing

Everything You Need to Know About Salon Social Media Marketing

It’s no secret that having a presence on social media can reap BIG benefits for your salon. Social platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and TikTok allow you to reach your existing audience and target new customers – aka a goldmine for salon owners! 

Don’t believe us? It has been reported that 83% of people use Instagram to discover new products and services. So, if you aren’t actively using social media, that’s a lot of missed bookings! 

But, with trends constantly evolving and so much competition out there, it can get a little bit overwhelming. If you’re unsure where to begin or struggling to see results, then it’s time to get back to the basics. 

We’ve listed some of our expert tips to up your salon’s social media game and to stand out from the crowd. Yes, it’s possible! Let’s get straight into them.

Develop your salon social media strategy

First and foremost, you need to think about your strategy and consider the following questions:

What are your social media goals? 

You may want to increase brand awareness, drive more bookings, grow your social audience or even boost engagement. Defining one or two of the goals you want to achieve is key to informing the rest of your strategy.

Who is your target audience? 

By understanding exactly which audience you want to target, it will help you create content that they love. It will also help to identify which social platform to focus your efforts on. And we all know how precious time is for salon owners! 

Here’s some food for thought. In 2021, the largest share of Instagram users in the US is aged 18-29 and on Facebook, it is 30-49 years old

This should give you an idea of which social platform your target customer is using. While it may be tempting to be active on every channel, you can’t spread yourself too thin! Focus on the platforms where your core audience is already active and master them. 

Create engaging social content

Let’s face it, with so many salons out there posting on social media, it can be tricky to get noticed. This is why it’s more important than ever to post engaging content! 

But, what does engaging actually mean? For salons, this means having good quality imagery or video content that will capture your audience’s attention.

Video is becoming an increasingly effective way to engage with your audience. In fact, videos are said to receive a whopping 10x more engagement than any other content type on Instagram and Twitter. 

As a salon, you could share video content of your services, product demos or you could even try out a live Q&A session. Get creative!  

Develop a content theme

When it comes to Instagram and Pinterest, you need to develop your content theme and aesthetic. Whether you want to opt for a pink and white theme or a minimal effect, the content should all have a similar vibe. 

While sharing the beautiful work you do in the salon is important, it can get a little repetitive if this is all you are posting. If you’re in need of a helping hand to find more imagery that fits into your content theme, Social Sorted are here to help!

So, how does it work? Every month, Social Sorted releases bite-size chunks of social media strategy, to give you the tools you need to smash your socials. This includes 39 professionally shot images for you to post straight to your feed or stories. It doesn’t get easier than that! 

Write killer captions

Yes, the visuals are important. But, don’t forget to craft engaging captions to go with them! Your caption gives you an opportunity to reflect your brand voice and personality. 

You can also use them to share a call to action which could be to encourage the user to visit your website and book an appointment!

Since Instagram cuts captions off in users’ feeds after three of four lines of text, you need to frontload the caption with your key message. So, if you want to promote a new service or promotional offer, remember to include this at the start!

Not sure what to write? Or simply short on time? With Social Sorted, you’ll have access to 39 customisable captions every month. These ‘fill-in-the gap’ style captions can be easily adapted to your salon and will save you a LOT of time! 

Elevate Your Social Media Game with Social Sorted 

Now you know the basics for creating a salon social media strategy, it’s time to put it into practice. With Social Sorted, you’ll never need to worry about what to post next! 

The membership platform is jam-packed with downloadable social media images, customisable captions, and a killer monthly Action Plan. And it’s all curated for hair and beauty salons!

Learn more about how the platform works or register now to get started!