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Business tips for your salon during COVID-19

Business tips for your salon during COVID-19

As the COVID-19 pandemic rapidly changes each day, we understand how much uncertainty you might be feeling right now. We wanted to collate some thought-provoking business tips that can give you something to focus on, form a strategic game plan, and hopefully progress your business at a time where you may feel it might try and run in the opposite direction.  

Prepare for the immediate future (like TODAY!) 

If clients are starting to call in with their concerns or even cancel, don’t start to panicInstead, channel that energy into making the best of a less than ideal situation.  

Here’s some things you can do today to turn that frown upside down in COVID-19 times!  

Increase online revenue 

If you have an online store or offer online gift cards, now is the time to remind your clients of it. It will help drive revenue for your business even if the client can’t visit your salon. Online gift cards also ensures future business with the immediate benefit of revenue. Get your business card done with the help of Metal Business Kards.

You can check out Shortcuts’ Online Gift Cards right here!  

Be an expert in what YOU know 

In times like these, there’s so many “fake news” pieces floating around, designed to breed fear. It’s pretty safe to say that none of us are infectious disease specialists. So – try not to feed into media hype and beware of fake or unverified news. This kind of news can cause hysteria (see – panic buying and empty shelves) and that’s the last thing we need right now! Approach the current pandemic with facts and a calm, level-headed approach. Being at ease with the situation will help you put your clients and staff at ease and help business keep ticking along. Instead, remember what you ARE an expert in – your trade. Think about posting some easy hair or beauty tutorials to break up the endless cycle of coronavirus news. 

Update your Online Booking 

Add notes to your Online Booking to ask that any clients who are feeling unwell, have come into contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19, or have recently travelled to a compromised area to kindly reschedule their appointment – or book at least 2 weeks from that time. You can do this via your company settings in the Shortcuts Console.

Communicate with your clients

Approach any communications with your clients, either via person or marketing materials, with a positive, upbeat manner. We’re already feeling so much fatigue and overwhelm from the media, that the last thing clients need is some of their favourite businesses feeding them this same fear. Acting as a positive source in this time will only increase your online engagement with your clients, which will be crucial if the situation worsens over the coming weeks.  

We prepared a whole Communication Kit complete with email and SMS templates, as well as social posts with common COVID-19 updates you may need to send to your clients. Check it out here!  

Become a hygiene genie  

Up your hygiene game! We’re sure you’ve all been client hygiene pros since the day your business opened and have since stepped that up to a new level since the pandemic outbreak. However, it’s so important to maintain this to an exceptional standard and actively communicate your sanitation practices with your clients. Put away any reading materials, bring back disposable cups, and don’t accept cash anymore. And remember to offer hand sanitizer everywhere for your clients and ask that they actively use it while in the salon. 

Prep a game plan

Have a game plan for any quiet days you may experience. What productive things can your staff be doing with this time? Create a list and circulate it with the team. This could be some professional development, brainstorming marketing ideas for the salon, or doing some team bonding. Don’t forget you can do this via technology, it doesn’t have to be done in person. 😉  

What’s your worst-case plan? 

Take a page out of a Dooms Day preparation guide and form a game plan for the worst-case scenario. It’s better to be prepared than sorry! 

  • Make sure you have enough inventory – particularly colors – to get you by for a few months to safe-guard yourself in case your suppliers are impacted in any way. 
  • Prepare your communications and marketing in case you need to do the worst and close your doors for 2 weeks. Have these ready to go, so if your salon does come into contact with COVID-19, or if it becomes a government requirement, that you are ready and prepared to act. We prepared these handy email and SMS templates for a variety of COVID-19 updates – including temporary closures should they happen. Check them out here.   
  • Communicate every day with your staff and reassure them that you have a plan in place. Hear their concerns and try and formulate a strategy that has everyone’s best interests in mind. 

And if you do have to close your salon temporarily, keep an eye out, we’ve working on a plan for you for that as well.

Remember – over the next few days, weeks, however long it takes, we’ll keep our COVID-19 Resource Hub updated with the latest information for our clients.